

  ID Requested Time Target Lat / Lon Radius Parameters
current data 1635 2020-05-06 08:38:06 3-15-14 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 35.653392
  1. Housing equipment > Security systems and related equipment > Whole building management and security equipment > Auto lock
  2. Housing equipment > Security systems and related equipment > Whole building management and security equipment > surveillance camera

current data


Heat map tips

From this heat map, you can visually see the high and low unit prices and liquidity for a given area and parameter. Click on the top button to view the respective heat maps. (See the Raw data below for the data that makes up this heat map.)

Price/㎡ - Overall :The average of all the properties in the range regardless of the parameters. You can see that the redder the color, the higher the unit price.

Price/㎡ - P1 Impact :Difference between the ON and N/A values of parameter 1. Areas where the element in parameter 1 has a stronger impact on the unit price are highlighted in red.

Price/㎡ - P2 Impact :The difference between the ON and N/A values of parameter 2. Areas where the elements of parameter 2 have a stronger impact on the unit price will be red.

Liquidity - Overall :The average of all properties in the range regardless of the parameters. The redder the color, the more liquid it is and the more well it is moving. The average liquidity score for each property is used, scored by our proprietary algorithm based on the duration of the property listing.

Liquidity - P1 Impact :Difference between ON of parameter 1 and N/A value. Areas where the element in parameter 1 is more strongly affected by liquidity will be red.

Liquidity - P2 Impact :パDifference between ON of parameter 2 and N/A value. The places where the elements in parameter 2 are more strongly affected by liquidity are in red.

hot parameters

What are the parameters that have a strong impact on the unit price of rentals and sales in this area?


Delivery box


Free internet usage fee


front desk service


Heated floor





Total items found

CSV Tips

LON : Longitude

LAT : Latitude

OVERALL: Indicates the averaged data of all properties located within a 10-meter radius of the point centered at LON and LAT.

ON: Indicates the averaged data of properties fitting the selected parameter, located within a 10-meter radius of the point centered at LON and LAT.

NA: Refers to Not Applicable and indicates the averaged data of properties, located within a 10-meter radius of the point centered at LON and LAT, to which the selected parameter does not apply.

Delta (ON - NA): The difference between ON and NA in terms of the selected parameter.


Time-Series chart analysis

Chart analysis at the point with the highest unit price on the heat map

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