
Horses for Courses

All the data for your property investment decision

Records we made. updated everyday!

UTC 27 Jul 2024 07:00 updated

Location Intelligence

Area research made simple and easy!

Best digital mapping service for store expansion analysis

By setting an area of interest and choosing a radius, you can easily see the number of restaurants, operating hours, nearby households, and monthly restaurant spending tendencies. Additionally, you can see a wealth heatmap for all of Singapore based on average condominium buying and selling prices.

See more about Location Intelligence
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Easy access to real estate data.

Japan's condo hub, guided by big data insights.

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Enter an address of interest and simply click!
The real estate data for the surrounding area will then appear in 10 seconds. "portal" offers information on properties available for rent and for sale, presented as a list accompanied by various graphs, such as the price per square meter over time.

B Solution

Introducing a system relevant to all businesses in real estate.

Utilizing real estate big data, we can provide total support in the various challenges faced by corporate clients.

We extract elements that can serve as benchmarks for our clients' businesses from the approximately 540 billion pieces of segmented real estate and geographic data that we maintain (updated daily), and propose new "insights" that have not been available before.

Some of our analytical examples

We provide effective solutions for every step from finding to buying and managing and finally selling the property.

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The Crew

We make it happen


Based in Singapore, targeting global markets

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